Designed by a Swedish designer, Sture Eng, Runt Om is one of the most popular chairs made by CondeHouse. Since the launch 45 years ago, this light and stackable chair has been redesigned several times to reach its full potential, and consequently still used widely in residences and public facilities.
Chair (Upholstered Seat)
Japanese Oak WNF / Sultan BU F3

[ Select Furniture A+ ]
Oak WNF (linoleum 4175)


Sture Eng
Sture Eng
He said “It’s difficult to talk about a design philosophy because it’s like talking about how to think and work. I believe the process of my thought as a designer starts from open thinking, and it boils down to useful ideas. I sometimes start the process from sketching something, while I come up with good ideas to be a work plan with which I try to find suitable design languages to express a particular form. What I’m now interested in is to work on a model in the scale of 1:1 by hand to check dimensions, etc. I’ve been going on about my design philosophy, but what is most important is a relationship of trust with the production side that I cooperate with.”
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